Hey, what's up.

You are probably wondering what you are doing here.

This is a website of a dumb idiot that you can recognize as XMASTEr (twitter 🤥)


Here I'm going to highlight some of my projects or tutorials how to do stuff and other things that I want to show off.

Don't expect good stuff here tho.

I'm not a pro programmer so it's just basic stuff. Really.

Only thing that can be useful for you is the 🤯🤯Left Right Speaker Test🤯🤯 app for android.

For tutorials click


also if you are bored you can play games

jammin kirby
Gif of Kirby listening to music.

check my twitter heh

if you want to check all of my python projects go there

if you want to check my my trash bin named other go there

also github profile haha

oh and you can check my discord server (there's nothing there tbh)link 💀💀


what are you doing here

you are not supposed to be here

ok watch this or something

or this